21 Day Organizational Challenge.

I've had a lack of motivation in the blogging and home making departments lately... life's been busy, and I suppose I've just become overwhelmed. I need to get a jump on things again, and I've been inspired by the 21 day challenge over at A bowl full of lemons.

Her list was great, but some of it didn't work for me as it didn't apply to my life and/or my apartment, so I created my own list. I may not follow it in order, but that's okay. The ultimate goal is to get the apartment clean and organized within 21 days and to keep it that way :)

So here's my 21 Day Organizational Challenge List:

1 - kitchen/dining table
2 - refrigerator/freezer
3 - lower kitchen cabinet
4 - cabinet under kitchen sink
5 - cabinet over stove
6- linen closet
7- medicine cabinet/medicine storage
8 - make-up/hair products
9 - big dresser drawers
10- small dresser drawers
11 - bedside table
12 - bedroom closet
13 - under the bed
14- gift wrap box
15 - financial binder
16- bankers box
17 -bookcases
18- donation bags
19- coupons
21- start at least one organizational diy project

Thanks to some fun blog posts I've stumbled across as well as my pinterest addiction, I have a serious excitement to get this challenge started this week sometime. I may do a few before/after photos, but no promises. I often forget to snap pictures of things like this, and also add to it the embarrassment of some of the areas of insanity at the moment, lol.

As for the blog... keep your eyes peeled for a cooking/recipe post sometime this week. I'm also hoping to get a new look for the blog sometime soon, and hopefully that'll help me become even more "into" blogging here.


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