We have a new addition in the Moose apartment...
Meet L'il Miss Cammie Squeakers!
We adopted her two weeks ago from the Cleveland Animal Protective League. They had a wonderful special going on to help get their cats and kittens adopted because their shelter was far too full of them.
The fella had been on a mission to help me find a new kitty companion, and as we went through the cages that day not one cat or kitten really caught my eye and heart. Of all the cats and kittens I held that day, not one did I feel a connection with. Then we walked past the cages of kittens again and there were two tortie girls in one of the bottom cages. I love torties and opened the cage to see if one (or both) would come to me. This sweet girl came right over to me (her sister had no interest) and it was love at first purr. She bonded to Josh right away as well. Within thirty minutes Josh had purchased her for me and we were on our way home with our new addition - Cammie!
It's nice to have a cat around the apartment again and I am very happy to report that Cammie has adjusted *SO* well! I was concerned that we may have a rough few nights at first - but from night one she's slept in bed with us. No crying or acting out. I was worried about her being left all day while we were at work (I actually came home on my lunch hour that first day - and got my first speeding ticket EVER in the process!!) but she was mellow and laid back - saving all her silliness and energy for when her humans were around ;o)
She's a tiny little thing... still more of a squeaker than a meow-er... (hence the middle name). Not quite three months old yet (birthday is June 6th). We are very lucky to have her!
Moving on.
In the past few years I haven't watched too much TV... I actually got rid of everything but local channels last October because I wasn't watching it nearly enough to justify the cost of it all. Plus, I have a Roku Player so I can stream from Netflix as well as watch Roku channels. Even old favorites that I'd watched during Prime Time, such as Grey's Anatomy, I stopped watching (though I think I will pick up where I left off eventually thanks to Netflix instant streaming). When Glee came on I fell in love and have watched it both seasons so far. I started watching Gossip Girl (thanks to Netflix and my library) and was caught up just in time for the past season to air - which I watched. But that was it.
I started to get excited to hear about a new show with one of my favorite actresses (and singers!) - Zooey Deschanel called The New Girl. Also The Playboy Club sounded appealing... but that was all I had really heard about. But then I got my new issue of
Nylon today - the TV issue. Be still my usually television despising heart - there are shows I'm looking forward to giving a shot at watching! For all of these (with the exception of Glee and Gossip Girl) this is their first season - so no playing catch up is needed. Not too many time conflicts thankfully so I won't have to rely on Hulu too much :o)
September 15th - Thursday
The Secret Circle (CW)
September 19th - Monday
The Playboy Club (NBC)
September 20th - Tuesday
GLEE *season 3* (FOX)
New Girl (FOX)
September 21 - Wednesday
Revenge (ABC)
September 25th - Sunday
Pan Am (ABC)
September 26th - Monday
Gossip Girl *season 5* (CW)
September 28th - Wednesday
Suburgatory (ABC)
October 23rd - Sunday
One Upon a Time (ABC)
January 3rd
Apartment 23 (ABC)
I've been trying to catch up on reading to at least hit my minimal goal of 52 books for the year. I've read 28 so far this year, so I'm behind... but I'm still fairly certain that I can pull it together and come out ahead. I've read some great books so far this year - I'd say I've had a better year book wise this year so far than all together last year (with the exception of Water for Elephants last year which has become one of my all time favorites).
Top Book Picks from the 28 I've read so far this year...
* Trans-Sister Radio by Chris Bohjialian
* Room by Emma Donoghue
* Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro
* Unbearable Lightness by Portia DeRossi
* Madness by Marya Hornbacher
* The Help by Kathryn Stockett (another that has made my all time favorites list)
* The Story Sisters by Alice Hoffman
* Delirium by Lauren Oliver
* The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein