Fill in the Blank..

I should be sleeping since I have to be up in about seven hours... but babysitting this evening has had it's usual effect on me where I'm taking a bit to wind down.

The lovely Lauren posted this... and so I hopped on over to do it myself as well.

1. My favorite quote is

You save yourself or you remain unsaved. - Alice Sebold, Lucky.

No day but today. - RENT

I refuse to run from the rain, instead I will dance in the puddles. - Not sure who said it first, but my lovely friend Amber sent that to me today.

2. A bad habit I have is

Letting life get the best of me. I tend to get a bit snarky and mean when I feel like the hand I'm being dealt isn't fair.

3. The first time I felt like a “grown up” was

Honestly? I'm not sure. I've had flashes of "Oh crap, I'm an adult!" at random times when I'm doing pretty random things... but I can't tell you when the first time was.

4. Weekends are

often spent babysitting, reading, spending time with my mom, spending time with a few friends.

5. When I was a child I wished my name was

For a while I really liked Brittany and Sarah. Then it was a wish for something not so common since I spent grades K-8 with a girl who had the same first and middle name, as well as the same last initial as me. I'm kind of still on the latter statement in terms of it all, but I'll survive :)

6. I wish

All the time. For many, many things.

7. A secret I have is

I like being alone, I hate being lonely.

Be sure to check back soon... I have a few posts in the works including a home decorating themed post and a fashion post!


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