Vintage lusting

I spent a good portion of the day with my dear friend Jess hitting up a few thrift stores in the area. I was really excited for some vintage fabulous-ness in both clothing and housewares. Sadly, not much was to be found.

I found these two dresses that I absolutely fell in love with. Sadly though, my boobs are too dang big. They fit great everywhere else, just not so great in the bust. But, I did at least get a quick picture of each dress. The plaid dress, the skirt looks much like the top, just the way it falls has it look like teal stripes, haha. They both had matching belts, as well.

I found two sets of Corelle Butterfly Gold cups/saucers, but since I can't be certain the set is in the attic still, I decided to pass. I also found a Pyrex dish in the Gold Leaf pattern, but it was missing the lid, so I passed on that as well.

The goal for tomorrow is to try to get over to the house to snag the Pyrex bowls and hopefully find the Corelle dishes. Maybe even hit up one more thrift store that we didn't make it to today. Also, to get to Crocker Park to maybe spend some gift cards at several different stores.

That said... any good recommendations for books or music I should purchase?


Lauren said...

I really like that first dress.

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