Sweet Spots - Word Decor

My current favorite is anything that has words on it. I love the term Textorating. Word Decor sounds nice too. Unfortunately I don't have much in my little apartment like it at this time:

Over my table I have this current arrangement. "Home is where your story begins", so very true.

"Christian Dior could lower forty million hem lines by lowering his pencil" I found this photo and quote in a Vogue magazine someone gave me. It fit perfectly int he frame which I got super cheap on clearance at Michael's.

My Believe sign. Believe is my favorite word.

Maybe it's the book-nerd in me, I don't know.

Here are some more great finds that I would love to have adorn my walls:

Because in this ladies mind, cupcakes are the most perfect food. Ever.


Vintage china turned into text-o-ration. Love it!

But of course The Beatles would make an appearance.

I absolutely **LOVE** the overnight accommodations sign. It's silly and unexpected.

I think, for the most part, we all gather our likes and dislikes in terms of decorating based off of what we were surrounded by in our home while we were growing up. I seem to pull away from things that my childhood home had much of (mirrors, crystal, super colorful art) and veer more towards things like metal wall art, vintage photos and prints, black and white pictures/photos and text wall art.

I have some great ideas forming for my apartment... more things that really reflect me. I need to start listening to my head and my heart when it comes to decorating, and not what my mom/friends/etc are saying, because while they do have some awesome ideas - what I like is what I like. I live here, so I need to be the person the happiest with it.

So maybe blogging will help me realize the potential I have to play decorator in my own home ;)


Marisa Noelle said...

All such lovely images...I will be moving soon and have been looking for photos for inspiration in decor. These are perfect. Thanks for posting. Following you now too:)

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